It was such a long Winter I couldn't wait to get out of the house and get together with some art friends. Four of us piled into De Munden's van and headed South. De, myself, Cheryl Coen, and Diane Moore. The weather was looking pretty bad. Cold, windy and dreary. We took a chance and hoped the weatherman was right about it clearing and warming as the day went along. We were all bundled up with sweatshirts, jackets, ear muffs and gloves, and the Lord treated us with sunshine, and blue skies. It didn't take long before we were stripping off the layers of Winter clothes and putting on the sun visors. What a pretty site to paint. I had never been to Dogwood Canyon before, located just off 86 hwy, just a little South and West of Branson, MO. It's a lovely place to hike, walk, bike or ride the tour wagon on their paved path. There is a small fee, which I'm sure helps to keep the park in tip top shape. A nice little vi...