"Rock Gazebo" 8"x 10", Oil on Canvas I started this painting last week at the Dunnegan Park in Bolivar, Missouri. I finished it tonight, but after uploading it I see a couple little things that are not quite right, so will touch it up tomorrow. I'll still post it for now. This is an old rock gazebo built in the early 1900's, as a nice lady told me as I painted. She said her father had designed and built it , and she , her family and many many more area families have enjoyed using it for special gatherings ever since. These buildings made from the natural rock found in this area are so special. You just don't fin d ma n y of them built like that anymore. I t's built similar to the rock barn that my Mom and late Dad live in. It ha s 12 inch rock walls and oak beams with wooden pegs, not nails. Been here a 100 years and probably b...