"Madison", 11"x 14", Oil, Painted from life I finished a 3 day figurative workshop yesterday with Adam Clague, from Kansas City, MO. A very talented young man. It was great fun, but extremely exhausting to concentrate that intensely all day. I'm not used to it. This pretty young girl, is Madison. A first time model, she did great. It's not as easy as you think to sit perfectly still for 20 minutes straight. I don't think I could handle it. We did a study from a model each day. With Adam's help, this was the best of my three. I'll do a little clean up on this, and I think I will leave the background basically the same. I may mute down the green cloth a little more. Thanks to Adam and his wife Andrea, the Visual Art Alliance of Springfield, MO and Alicia Farris, Paula Moore and Desire...