Well we've survived a rough Winter so far, and now enjoying Spring like weather. Much needed after gloom and doom, and after losing my Dad in November. I'm finally feeling like painting again and have started a painting for the Spring show at Waverly House Gallery. Tonight after standing back and taking a critical look at my composition, I've decided to chuck the first attempt and to start over. I've been reading advice from John Howard Sanden, and he strongly promotes just starting over, rather than trying to correct and correct....It sounds like good advice, especially in this case.
On a good note, I'm excited to be mailing some prints of my work to Columbia, Missouri to be used in the new Patient Tower, at the Boone Hospital. The new Tower is to be finished sometime this Spring.
A thank-you to McQueen for winning the high bid on my painting,"Bear Creek Winter". A benefit for "The Arts in Education", in the SW Missouri area.
I've taken 4 of my paintings to Waverly House Gallery. They are shown on my web site.
Sorry it's been so long since posting, I'll try to do better. Thanks for looking and hoping to hear from you. Susan
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