Dogwood Canyon update

I was sad to see the flooding that happened at Dogwood Canyon last week, and all the surrounding area. Of course worse yet were the terrible tornadoes that have taken so many lives, injured so many others and demolished so many homes and properties in Arkansas, Georgia and Alabama. Our little town, Stockton, was devastated in the 2003 tornado, but nothing to the extent of these latest storms. My heart and prayers go out to all involved. It's taken years to recoup here, but I hope the new victims know there is light at the end of the tunnel of recovery.

De, Diane, Cheryl and I were glad that we made our little trip to Dogwood before the storms hit. I'll upload the painting I started there. I wish I'd had a little more time to work on it there. After flooding like they've had, the rocks may have been moved from the falls. We won't know until the park is cleaned up and open to the public again. I hope there's not too much damage to the bridges and structures.

I've had company, so I haven't worked on this painting since bringing it home. I like what I've got so far, so I'm half afraid to start on it and possibly mess it up. But there are some things that must be addressed. The large rock in front is not the focus, so must take the spotlight from there by darkening it and softening the edges. And then to draw eyes to the falls, need to lighten them and add more detail. I'll use the pallet knife on the other rocks along the shore to make them more believable. That's the part I enjoy. Using the knife.

The cold and rainy weather again today has kept us inside. A good time to catch up on the web.
Stay warm, and Happy May Day.


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